Sunday Package

February 16, 2025
Conversation Guide
Monthly Hymn Sing
Sunday, February 16, 1:30-2:30pm | Yamhill Room
Join us for a special gathering where we’ll come together for a heartwarming hymn sing with devotion and refreshments. Whether you're a longtime member or new to Village, everyone is invited to lift their voices and celebrate Jesus! This is a wonderful opportunity for both our senior community and younger generations to connect and share in the spirit of worship and fellowship. No registration is necessary. We look forward to seeing you there!
Young Adult Lunch
Sunday, February 23, 12-1:30pm | Columbia A
Young Adults! Let's gather after services for fellowship and food. Hear more about our upcoming Young Adult Retreat in March, how to join a DNA Group, and find out about other events and ways to be connected. RSVP by February 21 so we can prepare the food and let us know if you'd like to bring a dessert or drinks. We'll have a donation box if you feel inclined to give towards the meal.
Women’s Evening Bible Study
Starts Tuesday, February 25
Speaking Wisely, a Villager-led Bible study, starts Tuesday, February 25 for eight weeks in the Bethany area. Just a few spots are available! Contact Poppy Smith for more details.


Your faithful support is always appreciated. We encourage our community to participate in worship this way: "Give something, give regularly". It's quick and secure to give online through Pushpay. If you prefer to mail a check, send it to us at 330 SW Murray Blvd, Beaverton, OR 97005. For gifts of stocks, IRAs, or other creative methods, please contact Patty, Finance Manager.
Give Through PushPay

Weekly Newsletter

Our all-church weekly newsletter hits inboxes Wednesday evening. Sign up below to receive announcements on upcoming events, connection opportunities, needs, and much more. You'll have the choice to sign up for the weekly Youth, monthly Seniors, or seasonal Men's newsletters as well if you participate in those ministries.
Newsletter Sign Up
Inclement Weather
Have you been watching the weather reports? So have we! We close the campus and cancel ministry events if our campus or nearby roads are not safe. Closures are decided by our Facilities Team and Executive Director by 7am each day. We'll post on Village's social media and website when we close, and we'll post again when we reopen. When in doubt about a particular event, contact your ministry leader before traveling to our campus.
Ministry Prayer Requests
In the Village App, weekly ministry prayer requests from our pastors and ministry leaders are available. You are encouraged to spend time praying for our community. The Sanctuary is open for anyone to come and pray Monday-Saturday, 7am-10am, for either these ministry requests or others. Spend time with God, praying for ministry partners, friends, family, the world, and our nation. Ministry prayer requests are updated every Monday.
Village Annual Report 2024
Our 2024 Annual Report is available now! View and read the stories of the past year of ministry and how God continued His work at Village. Thank you, Village for a full year as a missional, intercultural community of Christ!
Membership Forms
As we seek to be a church made up of disciples of Jesus, our covenant with God is the basis of our covenant with each other. Church membership and membership renewal is a time to reflect on our commitment to Jesus and to His body. Visit our webpage to fill out a Covenantal or Community Member application.
Now Hiring: Join our Team!
We have several positions open in our ministry team!
   • Administrative Specialists: We are looking for two part-time administrative specialists willing to volunteer several hours a week to support two pastors.
   • Assistant Nursery Supervisor: In this part-time role, you’ll create a loving space where every child feels valued and cared for, celebrate inclusivity, and foster a welcoming community for all. *English proficiency required.
   • Director of Youth & Their Families: This full-time role will prayerfully curate experiences, and programs for youth to follow Jesus, build spiritual friendships, and love others as themselves.
   • Operations & Admin Coordinator: Support our operations team and organize the admin support across our ministries. You will interact with many cultures each day and experience a variety of tasks!
Welcome to Village!
Welcome! We are so glad you're here experiencing our missional, multicultural community. Please consider stopping by the info counter or coming to the front of the stage during Sanctuary Greeting Time for your welcome gift and to meet some of our pastoral staff.

Our 8:15am Chapel Service is designed to be accessible to those who seek to know more about God and church as well as those who are long-time believers. The more intimate worship space and service rest on the timeless traditions of the global church as well as leaves open room for simplicity and creativity in our multicultural worship response. We sit at tables to worship in community and take communion weekly together as the body of Christ.

In our 10:30am Sanctuary Service, we engage with a diversity of cultures and languages as we worship and study the Word of our Diverse God together. You are welcome to make a joyful noise and join us in singing in a language other than your own! Our preaching team is made up of different cultural and language backgrounds, so we are blessed with Sundays when the preaching is in a different language than English, with live translation. Our non-native English-speaking church members do this weekly, so the larger church sharing this experience is important to to being a missional, multicultural community in Christ. 한국어 통역이 있습니다 y traducción en español. Nursery care for ages 0-3, Kids programming for ages Pre-K to 5th Grade, and Youth programming for 6th-12th Grade are also available.
Sermon Recap
Pastor Pete Della Santina, Joel 2:28-32, "Spiritual Vision"

This week, we focus on spiritual vision, which is essential for understanding our mission as believers. Spiritual vision is akin to wearing corrective lenses that allow us to see the world from God's perspective. Paul prayed for the Ephesians that “the eyes of your heart may be enlightened.”  Like physical eyes that need help to see clearly, our spiritual eyes require the Holy Spirit's guidance to perceive God's work in the world.

The Prophet Joel’s vision holds profound relevance for our lives and mission. It promises eye-opening spiritual vision for all who believe in Jesus.

Spiritual Vision Begins with the Holy Spirit

Spiritual vision starts with the Holy Spirit, who empowers God’s people to see the world as God sees it. Joel prophesies a time when God will pour out His Spirit on all people — sons and daughters, young and old, men and women, and even servants (vv. 28-29). This promise signifies a radical inclusivity in God’s work; spiritual vision is not limited to a select few but is available to everyone.

The imagery of God pouring out His Spirit is not a gentle drizzle but a torrential downpour.  Joel describes the outpouring of the Holy Spirit manifesting in dreams, visions, and prophecy – dreams that are a reflection of minds consumed by God, visions that express what we “see” in our hearts as we keep in step with the Spirit, and prophecy that involves sharing God’s greatness in ways that encourage others. The key point here is that spiritual vision begins with the Holy Spirit, empowering believers to perceive God's presence and purpose in their lives.

Spiritual Vision Recognizes the Times

The second key point is that spiritual vision recognizes the urgency of our times. Joel 2:30-31 speaks of signs that point to the coming "Day of the Lord," a time of divine judgment and restoration.  A devastating plague of locusts, and the other apocalyptic imagery in Joel, serve as symbols of God’s judgment and as a call to repentance.  The Day of the Lord is a terrifying prospect.  But that climactic Day culminated in the events of Calvary, in which the cross of Jesus became the ultimate intersection of judgment and grace.  The cross redefined the Day of the Lord as both a day of judgment and a day of salvation, offering forgiveness to all who repent and trust in Him.  “It shall come to pass,” predicts Joel 2:32, “that everyone who calls upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.”  We live in a world that is groaning for redemption, and we must act with urgency to bring the lost and broken into the fold of Christ.

Spiritual Vision Sees the Holy Spirit at Work

The third key point is that spiritual vision sees the Holy Spirit at work, enabling us to recognize God's grace around us.  The outpouring of the Spirit at Pentecost marked the beginning of a new era – an era in which God’s presence is no longer confined to a temple or to specific people, but is now available to all who call on Jesus. The Spirit who empowered the early church continues to work within all believers to this day.

At Village Church, we are a missional community. Our mission is not just an activity; it is our identity.  We must pay attention to where God is working and be ready to move in those directions.  This requires sensitivity to the Spirit's leading and a willingness to embrace change.  We must resist the temptation to domesticate the Spirit, turning faith into a private experience that demands nothing from us. And we must avoid clinging to the past instead of stepping into God's unfolding future.

Imagine if all of us were so filled with the Spirit that our love for God and others overflowed in our words and actions. Picture a church where testimonies of God’s faithfulness are boldly shared, and where we encourage one another with psalms and songs from the Spirit.  What holds us back from expressing our faith more boldly? We must not quench the Spirit but embrace the call to testify and share the good news of Jesus.

The promise of Joel is for us today: “I will pour out my Spirit on all people.”  There is no room for division or prejudice in the body of Christ. The Spirit weaves us together in a beautiful tapestry that includes people of all ages and of very different cultures.  We are called to embrace our unity in diversity, recognizing that the Spirit empowers us all to participate in God’s mission, evidencing a unity that the world desperately needs to see.

Let us pray that God’s Spirit will open our eyes to see His hand at work around us. Are we aware of how He is moving in our families, workplaces, and communities?  We live in the tension of a world longing for redemption and a Savior who is coming again. We must live in hope and urgency, reaching out to those who need Christ.

Let us be a church that embodies the mission of God – heeding the leading of the Spirit, and moving in the power of the Spirit, living with holy vision, urgency, and unity. Let us step into this together, united in Christ, on mission to see the world transformed by the gospel.  The Holy Spirit enables us to see what is taking place around us — the Kingdom breaking through, salvation available to everyone, and the power of God at work.  Let us be a people of spiritual vision, praying that our eyes would be opened to the beauty of God.  The Spirit is here, and the Kingdom is now.  Will we see it?  Will we move with Him?  Let’s go — together.

Discussion Questions
  1. Joel 2:28 speaks of God pouring out His Spirit on all people.  How have you personally experienced the Holy Spirit working in your life?  How can you become more open to His leading and to His empowerment?
  2. Joel’s prophecy indicates that God’s Spirit is for all of us – young and old, male and female, servants and leaders.  How does this challenge us to see others in our community?  What are ways we can better reflect God’s inclusive love and gifting?
  3. Pastor Peter pointed out that even Joel’s description of the dreadful phenomena associated with the Day of the Lord includes a glimmer of hope.  The day of judgment is also a day of salvation.  Joel’s prophecy, in that respect, echoes the word of hope buried in the middle of Lamentations’ descriptions of judgment: 
    • “Because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail.  They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness…  Therefore I will wait for him.  The Lord is good to those whose hope is in him… It is good to wait quietly for the salvation of the Lord.”  (Lam. 3:22-26) 
    • Have you managed to find hope in the Lord in the midst of dark days?  Describe that experience.
  4. Pastor Pete suggested that anticipating the Day of the Lord should instill in us a sense of urgency.  What would that look like for you?

Responsive Worship

As we collectively reflect on Sunday's message, use this space as a safe place to respond to God's calling and share your reflection on the preaching. All submissions are anonymous.
Responsive Worship

Conversation Guide Archive

Looking for a past discussion guide? All Conversation Guides can be found on the Village Beaverton app. Visit the Experience Village page to download the app and stay connected.
Experience Village


330 SW Murray Blvd 
Beaverton, OR 97005
Phone: 503-643-6511

church Office

Mon-Thurs 9am-4pm
Fri 9am-12pm
Sat-Sun closed

Worship Center

Mon-Thurs 8am-2pm
Fri & Sat closed
Sun 8am-1:30pm

Village Café

Mon-Fri 8am-2pm
Sat-Sun closed