This week, we focus on spiritual vision, which is essential for understanding our mission as believers. Spiritual vision is akin to wearing corrective lenses that allow us to see the world from God's perspective. Paul prayed for the Ephesians that “the eyes of your heart may be enlightened.” Like physical eyes that need help to see clearly, our spiritual eyes require the Holy Spirit's guidance to perceive God's work in the world.
The Prophet Joel’s vision holds profound relevance for our lives and mission. It promises eye-opening spiritual vision for all who believe in Jesus.
Spiritual Vision Begins with the Holy Spirit
Spiritual vision starts with the Holy Spirit, who empowers God’s people to see the world as God sees it. Joel prophesies a time when God will pour out His Spirit on all people — sons and daughters, young and old, men and women, and even servants (vv. 28-29). This promise signifies a radical inclusivity in God’s work; spiritual vision is not limited to a select few but is available to everyone.
The imagery of God pouring out His Spirit is not a gentle drizzle but a torrential downpour. Joel describes the outpouring of the Holy Spirit manifesting in dreams, visions, and prophecy – dreams that are a reflection of minds consumed by God, visions that express what we “see” in our hearts as we keep in step with the Spirit, and prophecy that involves sharing God’s greatness in ways that encourage others. The key point here is that spiritual vision begins with the Holy Spirit, empowering believers to perceive God's presence and purpose in their lives.
Spiritual Vision Recognizes the Times
The second key point is that spiritual vision recognizes the urgency of our times. Joel 2:30-31 speaks of signs that point to the coming "Day of the Lord," a time of divine judgment and restoration. A devastating plague of locusts, and the other apocalyptic imagery in Joel, serve as symbols of God’s judgment and as a call to repentance. The Day of the Lord is a terrifying prospect. But that climactic Day culminated in the events of Calvary, in which the cross of Jesus became the ultimate intersection of judgment and grace. The cross redefined the Day of the Lord as both a day of judgment and a day of salvation, offering forgiveness to all who repent and trust in Him. “It shall come to pass,” predicts Joel 2:32, “that everyone who calls upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.” We live in a world that is groaning for redemption, and we must act with urgency to bring the lost and broken into the fold of Christ.
Spiritual Vision Sees the Holy Spirit at Work
The third key point is that spiritual vision sees the Holy Spirit at work, enabling us to recognize God's grace around us. The outpouring of the Spirit at Pentecost marked the beginning of a new era – an era in which God’s presence is no longer confined to a temple or to specific people, but is now available to all who call on Jesus. The Spirit who empowered the early church continues to work within all believers to this day.
At Village Church, we are a missional community. Our mission is not just an activity; it is our identity. We must pay attention to where God is working and be ready to move in those directions. This requires sensitivity to the Spirit's leading and a willingness to embrace change. We must resist the temptation to domesticate the Spirit, turning faith into a private experience that demands nothing from us. And we must avoid clinging to the past instead of stepping into God's unfolding future.
Imagine if all of us were so filled with the Spirit that our love for God and others overflowed in our words and actions. Picture a church where testimonies of God’s faithfulness are boldly shared, and where we encourage one another with psalms and songs from the Spirit. What holds us back from expressing our faith more boldly? We must not quench the Spirit but embrace the call to testify and share the good news of Jesus.
The promise of Joel is for us today: “I will pour out my Spirit on all people.” There is no room for division or prejudice in the body of Christ. The Spirit weaves us together in a beautiful tapestry that includes people of all ages and of very different cultures. We are called to embrace our unity in diversity, recognizing that the Spirit empowers us all to participate in God’s mission, evidencing a unity that the world desperately needs to see.
Let us pray that God’s Spirit will open our eyes to see His hand at work around us. Are we aware of how He is moving in our families, workplaces, and communities? We live in the tension of a world longing for redemption and a Savior who is coming again. We must live in hope and urgency, reaching out to those who need Christ.
Let us be a church that embodies the mission of God – heeding the leading of the Spirit, and moving in the power of the Spirit, living with holy vision, urgency, and unity. Let us step into this together, united in Christ, on mission to see the world transformed by the gospel. The Holy Spirit enables us to see what is taking place around us — the Kingdom breaking through, salvation available to everyone, and the power of God at work. Let us be a people of spiritual vision, praying that our eyes would be opened to the beauty of God. The Spirit is here, and the Kingdom is now. Will we see it? Will we move with Him? Let’s go — together.