
It is our prayer that these resources and these classes, these discipleship opportunities continue to grow us in faith and in community.

Coming Alongside

Sundays, Sept 8 - Oct 27, 2:30 - 4:30pm
Facilitator: Pastor Nancy Anderson
Coming Alongside is a course on how to provide compassionate care for one another and how to do so in long-term or short-term situations, as well as training on how to support those caring for someone else. This 8 week course will conclude with a certificate of accomplishment!

 This can also be the introductory course for those desiring to learn what it means to be a Lay Chaplain. A follow-up intensive will be provided in January on two Saturdays for those desiring additional training.

Flourish Together Women’s Bible Study: Lessons for Today from the life of Joseph

Tuesdays, Sept 10 - Nov 19, 9:30 - 11:30am OR 6:30 - 8pm, 
also via Zoom
Facilitator: Poppy Smith
Have fun learning helpful Life Skills, deepening your faith, and growing together through table discussions, sharing and prayer. No charge. Study Questions Workbook will be provided on registration. No childcare.

Reframe: Special Cohort for Engineers

Thursdays, Sept 12 - Nov 14, 6:30 - 8:30pm
Facilitators: Pastor Jim Smith & Chien Wern
We are pleased to offer a special ReFrame class focused on the increasing complexities of integrating faith into careers in engineering. ReFrame addresses this challenge through a 10-week, film-based series, followed by small group discussions that help Christians engaged in engineering connect faith with all of life. How can you encounter Christ in daily circumstances, understand the meaning of Jesus in the biblical story, see Jesus in new ways, and respond to Jesus in practical and creative ways? $20 fee per person

Science & Faith

Sundays, Sept 15 - Oct 6, 12 - 2:30pm
Facilitator: Dr. Isaac Choi, George Fox University
Some atheists claim that anyone who is scientifically educated must abandon Christian faith. Are they right? This course covers attempts to use science to show that Christianity is false, such as evolution, historical episodes in the science-theology relationship, and the argument that scientific laws prohibit miracles. It also introduces scientific evidence that points to God’s reality, including cosmological fine tuning (discussing multiverse theories along the way) and answered prayers. Various options for interpreting Genesis 1 and 2 will be laid out and evaluated. The course will conclude by exploring questions regarding AI, consciousness, and the existence of the soul. Each session will begin with a presentation, with time for questions and discussion. Lunch will be served at 12pm (donations will be collected to cover lunch cost) and the lecture will start at 12:30pm. Please state on your registration if you have any dietary restrictions/needs. 


Tuesdays, Sept 17 - Nov 26, 6:30 - 8:30pm
Facilitators: Pastor Ben Spotts and Cris Schmitt
You are invited to join a conversation around life, faith, and meaning. Alpha is a series of group conversations that explore the basics of the Christian faith in a friendly environment. It's a place to connect and learn with others - where you can say a lot, a little, or nothing at all. Everyone is welcome. You are invited, no matter your background or beliefs.

Celebration of Cultures 101

Thursdays, Sept 19 - Oct 10, 6:30 - 8pm
Facilitator: Pastor Insil Kang
As a missional, multicultural community in Christ, learning about each other and our cultures is the joy and necessity in being God’s diverse church. Each week we will learn from fellow Villagers about their cultural values and heritage. We’ll discuss the similarities and differences, and how our cultural values impact our shared experience in worship, relationship and our mutual, spiritual formation. We’ll taste, hear, see, and learn about the many cultures God has given us at Village!


Sundays, Sept 22 & 29, 12 - 2pm
Facilitator: Pastor Pete DellaSantina
Are you interested in being baptized? Join us for a two-part Baptism Class. This is a wonderful opportunity to learn more about the meaning of baptism and prepare for this important step in your faith journey. We look forward to walking with you through this significant time!

New Testament Study - Imitating Christ: Paul's Life and Spirituality

Mondays, Sep 23 - Oct 14, 6:30-8:30pm
Facilitator: Dr. Johann Kim
We will examine how Apostle Paul made sense of his experience of the Holy Spirit in his letters. Topics will include "Imitatio Christi," "In Christ," "Alive in the Spirit," and "Life in God's Grace."

“Who Am I?”: Telling My Story

Six Sundays, Sept 22 - Oct 27, 2 - 3:30pm
Facilitator: Jen Clodius
Our missional, multicultural community at Village challenges us to love each other extravagantly. But to love someone as an individual, more than just “a fellow Villager”, requires that we actually know each other and learn about each other.

This workshop is designed to help you write your story so that you can learn about yourself and we can learn about each other. Who are you? How did you come to Christ? Where are you on your life walk? What is the most important thing you’ve learned along your faith walk? We will provide writing prompts, ideas about how to approach the topics, and, if you’d like, editing help. 

Note: This is NOT a writing class. This is an interactive, collaborative workshop. This will require a willingness to read each other’s work, kindly suggest ideas for further reflection and improvement, and thoughtfully consider suggestions about your own writing. Through the course, you might end up writing the first draft of your memoir – a testimony to your God, yourself, and the beloved ones!

Spanish for Greeting Time:
Language Class

Sundays, October, 9:30 - 10:15am
Facilitators: Laura Trimble and Becky Sosa
Whether you’ve never learned a word of Spanish or studied it once but need some encouragement to use it, you are invited to our four-week course. We will meet between Sunday services throughout October to learn some expressions for simple conversation, then practice in small groups with brothers and sisters from Hispanic Fellowship. Topics will include basic greetings, questions about family and country, worship vocabulary, and maybe even terms you might need at an all-church lunch. Then take what you learned into the service to practice it right away! $5/person to help cover costs.

Korean Language and Culture

Saturdays, Oct 19 - Nov 9, 10 - 11am
Facilitator: Yenny Suh
Villagers, let's build and grow multicultural friendships by learning Korean language skills and culture. This Korean Language and Culture Class will introduce Korean language and culture, and provide a space to learn and practice basic Korean language skills. Our Korean Fellowship brothers and sisters will assist you as we engage in small-group activities as well as whole-group teaching. No prior Korean language knowledge necessary, just a desire to learn! *Suggested $5 per student to cover supplies.

Community Basics

Sundays, Oct 20 & 27, 5 - 7pm
Facilitator: Pastor Pete DellaSantina
If you are newer to our community or are interested in becoming a covenantal member, our Community Basics classes are October 20 and 27. You are invited to a two-evening class hosted by Village leadership and members. We will enjoy dessert on the first night and dinner on the second, we will get to know one another and explain who we are and what we believe as a missional, multicultural community in Christ. Community Basics is open to everyone, and we highly encourage newer Villagers and anyone seeking Covenantal Membership to attend.

Practicing the King's Economy

Tuesdays, Oct 22 - Dec 3, 6:30 - 8:30pm
Facilitators: Christien Wilhem and Jim Stronach
This class invites Christians to take their place within the biblical story of the "King Jesus Economy". We’ll look at practical ways for God's people to earn, invest, spend, compensate, save, share, and give in ways that embody God's love and provision for the world. Join co-leaders, Christien Wilhem and Jim Stronach for this discipleship class.
  • I have come that they may have life,
    and have it to the full.

    John 10:10
  • Yo he venido para que tengan vida,
    y para que la tengan en abundancia.

    Juan 10:10
  • 나는, 양들이 생명을 얻고 또 더 
    넘치게 얻게 하려고 왔다.

    John 10:10
  • 我来了,是要叫羊得生命,

    John 10:10
  • しかしわたしが来たのは

    John 10:10


Bible Study Fellowship

Women: Fridays, starting Sept 13, 9:15 - 11am
Men: Mondays, starting Sept 9, 6 - 8:30pm
For centuries, people have attempted to unlock the mysteries of Revelation. In Revelation: The Hope, we will discover that Jesus Christ is central to every prophecy, promise, and passage. Revelation gives us hope of a world made new by the redemption and restoration that Jesus offers today and for eternity.
BSF Website

Sunday Morning Adult Bible Class

Sundays, 9:15 - 10:10am
Facilitators: Tom Grey & James Greenwood
Class begins with refreshments and fellowship. Join us as we study through the Word, now beginning a study in the Book of James. We conclude with prayer requests. If you love to dive into the Bible and learn the settings, context, and personal applications for today, this class is for you. Adults of all ages welcome!
Contact Pastor Pete DellaSantina

Chinese Fellowship Study

Wednesdays, 6:30-8:30pm | Room 235
Led by Dr. Kim Bennett
Contact Ning Hallen

Hispanic Fellowship Bible Study

Fridays, 7-9pm | Chapel
Led by DNA Groups.
Para oportunidades de discipulado, por favor contacte al Pastor Mauricio Rivas.
Contact Pastor Mauricio Rivas

Japanese Fellowship Bible Study

2nd Thursday of the month, 7:30-9pm | Zoom
Led by Pastor Yoshiki Saeki.
現在、ローマ書を学んでいます。 佐伯義樹牧師へのお問い合わせ
Contact Pastor Yoshiki Saeki

Korean Fellowship Classes

An Invitation to an Abundant Life
4 weeks, $15 for the book. 풍성한 삶으로의 초대(1:1)
기독교와 복음에 대한 본질을 이해하는 과정. 대상: 찾는 이 또는 아직 풍삶초를 하지 않으신 모든 분

The Foundation for an Abundant Life
13 weeks, $40 for the book. 풍성한 삶의 기초(1:1)
우리에게 이루어진 구원의 의미와 구원의 여정을 이루어가는 것에 대한 훈련을 하는 1:1 제자훈련. 대상: 풍삶초/풍삶첫을 마치신 분
Contact Korean Fellowship

DNA GRoups

DNA Groups are the small group ministry at Village and the best way to get relationally plugged in – we all know that a church isn’t home without the relationships! We have various types of groups to make it easy to connect: sermon-discussion or other study-based groups, support groups, special interest groups based on hobbies and activities, and several groups organized around common language or culture.
More Info


Village ESOL (English for Speakers of Other Langauges) offers language classes to engage and connect the multicultural groups in our community. As one of the most diverse areas in the state, Washington County is home to immigrants, refugees, temporary professionals, migrant workers, spouses of visiting scholars and many more.
More Info

Pickleball with Villagers

We have lots of pickleball dates this fall!

    Saturdays (10am-1pm): November 16, November 23
    Sundays (1:30pm-3:30pm): November 10, November 17, November 24

Dates are subject to change or cancellation. If you’ve never joined us or are bringing friends who are brand new to pickleball, please watch a quick YouTube video on how to play so you are better prepared to jump in. As always, wear appropriate athletic shoes/clothing.
  • So Christ himself gave the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, the pastors and teachers, to equip his people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up until we all reach unity in the faith and in the knowledge of the Son of God and become mature, attaining to the whole measure of the fullness of Christ.

    Ephesians 4:11-13

  • 그분이 어떤 사람은 사도로, 어떤 사람은 예언자로, 어떤 사람은 복음 전도자로, 또 어떤 사람은 목사와 교사로 삼으셨습니다. 그것은 성도들을 준비시켜서, 봉사의 일을 하게 하고, 그리스도의 몸을 세우게 하려고 하는 것입니다. 그리하여 우리 모두가 하나님의 아들을 믿는 일과 아는 일에 하나가 되고, 온전한 사람이 되어서, 그리스도의 충만하심의 경지에까지 다다르게 됩니다.

    Ephesians 4:11-13

  • Y él mismo constituyó a unos, apóstoles; a otros, profetas; a otros, evangelistas; a otros, pastores y maestros, a fin de perfeccionar a los santos para la obra del ministerio, para la edificación del cuerpo de Cristo, hasta que todos lleguemos a la unidad de la fe y del conocimiento del Hijo de Dios, a un varón perfecto, a la medida de la estatura de la plenitud de Cristo;

    Efesios 4:11-13
  • 他所赐的有使徒,有先知,有传福音的,
    有牧师和教师, 为要成全圣徒,各尽其职,建立基督的身体,

    Ephesians 4:11-13


330 SW Murray Blvd 
Beaverton, OR 97005
Phone: 503-643-6511

church Office

Mon-Thurs 9am-4pm
Fri 9am-12pm
Sat-Sun closed

Worship Center

Mon-Thurs 8am-2pm
Fri & Sat closed
Sun 8am-1:30pm

Village Café

Mon-Fri 8am-2pm
Sat-Sun closed