
Jesus invites us all to come and see. We are thrilled you're exploring what it means to be part of a Jesus-following community! Our ministry leaders are eager to meet you and answer any questions you may have about our community or the wider body of Christ.
Contact Us
  • A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, 
    so you must love one another. By this everyone will know 
    that you are my disciples if you love one another.

    John 13:34-35
  • Un mandamiento nuevo os doy: Que os améis unos a otros; como yo os 
    he amado, que también os améis unos a otros. En esto conocerán 
    todos que sois mis discípulos, si tenéis amor los unos por los otros.

    John 13:34-35
  • 이제 나는 너희에게 새 계명을 준다. 서로 사랑하여라. 내가 너희를 사랑한 것 같이, 
    너희도 서로 사랑하여라. 너희가 서로 사랑하면, 모든 사람이 
    그것으로써 너희가 내 제자인 줄을 알게 될 것이다."

    John 13:34-35
  • 我赐给你们一条新命令,乃是叫你们彼此相爱,我怎样爱你们,

    John 13:34-35
  • そこで今、新しい戒めを与えましょう。わたしがあなたがたを愛するように、
    互いに愛し合いなさい。 互いに心から愛し合うなら、

    John 13:34-35


We are multicultural out of obedience; our oneness declares that the gospel is true. In our unity, we honor and learn from one another as we journey with the Father, Son, and Spirit. The Scriptures depict the community of God in heaven as comprised of people from every nation. God calls us to be that community of heaven here on earth now.
See Fellowships


The gospel of Christ is good news to all people, regardless of ethnicity, age, gender, class, or background. All humanity finds solidarity at the cross, where we recognize our common need for salvation. All generations are welcomed and encouraged to worship together, learning from each other's unique ways of worship.
See Generations


Stay connected with the church community during the week with our weekly digital newsletter. We share upcoming events, volunteer opportunities, and much more. You will also have the option to subscribe to the weekly Youth newsletter and monthly Senior newsletter via the button below.

Join the Asian American Fellowship newsletter or Korean Fellowship newsletter here.

Connect Card

Check in to Sunday Service! You are encouraged to "check in" to church by filling out a connect card weekly. If you're newer to our community, this is a great first step to getting connected with our various ministries and fellowships.
Check In


330 SW Murray Blvd 
Beaverton, OR 97005
Phone: 503-643-6511

church Office

Mon-Thurs 9am-4pm
Fri 9am-12pm
Sat-Sun closed

Worship Center

Mon-Thurs 8am-2pm
Fri & Sat closed
Sun 8am-1:30pm

Village Café

Summer Hours
Mon-Sat 8am-2pm
Fri-Sun closed