
We are all called to live missionally, as modeled by our missional God. We believe we are called to serve right where God has placed us. All Villagers are encouraged to live on mission in their homes, workplaces, neighborhoods, and across the world. Here are additional opportunities where you can serve with Village.
Sign Up to Serve
  • Again Jesus said, “Peace be with you! 
    As the Father has sent me, I am sending you.”
    John 20:21
  • Entonces Jesús les dijo otra vez: Paz a vosotros.
    Como me envió el Padre, así también yo os envío.
    Juan 20:21
  • [예수께서] 다시 그들에게 말씀하셨다. "너희에게 평화가 있기를 빈다. 
    아버지께서 나를 보내신 것 같이, 나도 너희를 보낸다."
    John 20:21
  • 耶稣又对他们说:“愿你们平安!
    John 20:21
  • イエスはもう一度言われました。「平安があるように。
    John 20:21

Opportunities to Serve at Village

Click ministry to view needs.

Sunday Hospitality

  • Hosting Team (Greeters & Ushers)
  • Welcome Center
  • Baristas for Village Café
  • Special events: shuttle drivers and parking attendants


  • Singers: contemporary and choral styles
  • Electric guitar players

Village Kids

  • Sunday hospitality/Admin Team
  • Nursery Care Team
  • Pre-K Sunday Morning Team
  • K-5th Sunday Small Group Leaders
  • Awana: Wed. night small group discipleship
    • Small group leaders
    • Game leaders
    • Large group instructors
  • Special Events Team
  • Spanish and Korean speakers in nursery and pre-k

Village YOuth

  • 3 Youth Church mentors who can commit to facilitate conversations, support students in leadership roles, and help support the weekly program at least two weeks a month.
  • 4 Middle School DNA Group leaders (ideally 2 female and 2 male).
  • 1 more male High School DNA Group leader.

Adult Ministries

  • Graphic design volunteer for DNA Group monthly newsletter and periodic projects (photo calendar, etc) 
  • Men’s event hosting team 
  • Women’s event hosting team 

Village Care

  • Hospital and home visitation
  • Meals ministry
  • Card and Calling ministry
  • Transportation to medical appointments


  • Grounds keeping 
  • Painting 
  • Small carpentry projects
  • Weekly cleaning of worship spaces
  • Seasonal: Christmas trees (set up, decorating, tear down)

Office Support

  • General Office Projects (printing, folding, bulk mailing, etc.)
  • Church office receptionist substitutes


  • Lead Teachers 
  • Classroom Assistants
  • Hospitality
  • Tutors

other Community Care outlets

Consider getting involved in these weekly and monthly opportunities at Village.


God loves people. We believe we are blessed so we can bless others and we’re commanded to share the Gospel while loving our neighbor. We desire every believer at Village to experience first-hand this partnership by developing a lifestyle of prayer, support, and personal involvement in cross-cultural outreach – at home and abroad.  If you want to learn what God is doing in the world and how you can partner with Him to make a difference in people’s lives, then Village is the church home for you.

Lebanon Team

Join us in providing biblical encouragement, skills training, children’s programs, and medical & dental care to underserved and at-risk communities in the country of Lebanon. Our focus is to reach the most spiritually marginalized people in the world,  specifically traveling to people groups where God’s Word and His message are not readily available, all while offering much-needed care and training programs.

Migrant Camp Ministry

During the summer, each Wednesday's visit focuses on providing items for the migrant workers, preaching the Gospel, and leading discipleship groups. We invite Villagers to participate by visiting the migrant camps to serve dinner and lead worship, or by donating much needed items.

Mexico Team

God is calling us to reach out to the people in the Yucatán region of Mexico. Our first mission trip to this Spanish and Mayan-speaking area focused on medical and pastoral missions, equipping local pastors for their good work, as well as women's and prayer ministry opportunities.

Missions Friends Prayer meetings

Would you like to keep up-to-date with our missionary friends? Our emphasis is Missions & Ministries, for both Village and Village friends! All are invited, both Villagers and others interested in missions.
More Info
  • For we are what he has made us, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand to be our way of life.
    Ephesians 2:10
  • Porque somos hechura suya, creados en Cristo Jesús para buenas obras, las cuales Dios preparó de antemano para que anduviésemos en ellas.
    Efesios 2:10
  • 우리는 하나님의 작품입니다. 선한 일을 하게 하시려고, 하나님께서 그리스도 예수 안에서 우리를 만드셨습니다. 하나님께서 이렇게 미리 준비하신 것은, 우리가 선한 일을 하며 살아가게 하시려는 것입니다.
    Ephesians 2:10
  • 我们原是他的工作,在基督耶稣里造成的,
    Ephesians 2:10
  • 私たちをこのように造り変え、キリスト・イエスによる新しい生活に入れてくださったのは神です。この新しい生活は、神がずっと以前から計画してくださったものであり、私たちが互いに助け合って過ごすためでした。
    Ephesians 2:10

Global Outreach

God loves all people and we want everyone to have the opportunity to worship Jesus Christ and to experience His love personally. It’s a privilege to partner with God locally and globally in sharing His love with the peoples of the world, especially the one-third of the world’s population who has never heard the name of Jesus.

Local Partnerships

We are blessed to partner with the following organizations locally in our community.

Global Friends of Village

Click an organization below to explore Village friends and partners around the world.
Arab Baptist Theological Seminary
Serving the Church as it realizes its Biblical mission of having Christ acknowledged as Lord by offering specialized learning resources and equipping faithful men and women for effective service.

Coastal Fellowship of India
Opening Study Classes centers for the uneducated or less educated, upliftmenting the socially downtrodden people for the overall development of the nation.
Contagious Disciple Making
Plant and coach Disciple Making Teams in every city, state, province, and country around the world. These teams catalyze movements among the lost, reactivate the Church, and see the Kingdom of God realized.
Culture Bound
Training for missions agencies, churches, global works, and organizations for those called to serve the nations.
Heart for Lebanon
Heart for Lebanon exists to see lives changed and communities transformed, make disciples, and move people from despair to hope in Jesus Christ.

Hindustan Bible Institute and College
Seeing a dyanamic, transformational church in every village, town, and city of our nation, and a church for every people group of our nation.
Investing in the social, intellectual, physical, and spiritual needs of underserved communities around the world through your professional skills in:
IGNIS Community
An international NGO that aids in the healthy developement of North Korean children in the realm of medicine, health, and education.
Mission Aviation Fellowship
MAF airplanes are the only way many people living in remote jungles, deserts, and mountains have access to life-giving necessities and the love of Christ.
Mission ConneXion
Connecting God’s people to mission through regional conferences and focus events so that increasing numbers of believers are actively serving in areas of the world’s greatest gospel need and opportunity.
Committed to equip leaders in Korean & Asian-American churches and communities to serve in ways that promote unity, justice and peace towards reconciliation.
Youth for Christ Lebanon
Training hundreds of youth leaders who serve in churches.


330 SW Murray Blvd 
Beaverton, OR 97005
Phone: 503-643-6511

church Office

Mon-Thurs 9am-4pm
Fri 9am-12pm
Sat-Sun closed

Worship Center

Mon-Thurs 8am-2pm
Fri & Sat closed
Sun 8am-1:30pm

Village Café

Mon-Fri 8am-2pm
Sat-Sun closed