Sunday Package

January 19, 2025
Conversation Guide
Vital Worship Grant: Village Awarded $25,000 for Artist In Residence 2025
In our latest round of awards in the Vital Worship, Vital Preaching Grants Program, the Calvin Institute of Christian Worship (CICW) has funded 34 year long projects for 2025, of which Village Church has also been awarded for our second time. This grant will provide for an Artist in Residence for the upcoming year, to partner with our Worship Ministry in creating original work, inspiring our church with workshops and seminars, and connecting Village with the larger community through art.

We are now receiving applications for our Artist in Residence. Please share this opportunity with your networks! Button to our hiring page above.
Ballot Info Meeting
Sunday, January 19, 9:30-10:15am and 12-12:45pm | Columbia 201
Please plan to come hear more details about the 2025 proposed budget and the other items before we vote at the Annual Meeting. Feel free to send any questions to Executive Director Ben Spotts.
Discover Village
Sunday, January 19, 12:15-1pm | Columbias
Is this your first time at our church? You are invited to Discover Village, a warm and welcoming gathering designed for new guests to connect with our church community. This informal meet-and-greet, held for 30 minutes after the service, offers a chance to get to know our pastors and learn more about our church’s mission. Enjoy light refreshments as you mingle with fellow newcomers and long-time members alike. We look forward to sharing this time with you and helping you feel at home in our church. RSVP to Pastor Pete above.
Annual Meeting 2025
Sunday, January 26, 8:15am Chapel & 10:30am Sanctuary
Council Candidates: On January 26, during our Annual Meeting services, we will have the opportunity to vote on one new Council Member Candidate and several officers. We will share the background and bio information about the candidate in the next week.

2025 Church Budget: We will also vote on our proposed 2025 budget. Copies of the proposed budget will be available to the congregation beginning this Sunday at the Welcome Center. Please take time to read and pray before our January 26 vote.
Lunar New Year Boba Celebration!
Wednesday, January 29, 5:30-7:30pm | The Village Cafe
The Village Cafe and Chinese Fellowship invite you to celebrate the 2025 Lunar New Year with us on Wednesday, January 29th! Enjoy delicious boba tea drinks served by The Village Cafe and special desserts prepared by our Chinese Fellowship. The celebration begins at 5:30pm, come and go as you are able!
Coming Alongside Class
Begins Sunday, February 2. 2:30-4:30pm | Columbia 203
This six-week Sunday afternoon class is especially designed for those who would like to gain equipping and support in coming alongside family, friends, neighbors, co-workers, or anyone who needs encouragement during life's challenges. The class is filling up. Please RSVP as soon as possible so we can save you a spot!
Mom’s Community Play Group
Starting February 6, 2025, 9-11am | Nursery
Moms of young children, you are invited to join us for a new gathering, a community playgroup! Starting February 6, we will be meeting for play dates in the Nursery every other week, 9-11am, through the summer. We hope to see you there!
Nursery Playdates: February 6 & 20, March 6 & 20, April 3 & 17, May 1, 15, & 29, June 12 & 29.


Your faithful support is always appreciated. We encourage our community to participate in worship this way: "Give something, give regularly". It's quick and secure to give online through Pushpay. If you prefer to mail a check, send it to us at 330 SW Murray Blvd, Beaverton, OR 97005. For gifts of stocks, IRAs, or other creative methods, please contact Patty, Finance Manager.
Give Through PushPay

Weekly Newsletter

Our all-church weekly newsletter hits inboxes Wednesday evening. Sign up below to receive announcements on upcoming events, connection opportunities, needs, and much more. You'll have the choice to sign up for the weekly Youth, monthly Seniors, or seasonal Men's newsletters as well if you participate in those ministries.
Newsletter Sign Up
Digital Membership Renewal & Spiritual Self Assessement
Our Covenantal Membership Renewal process depends on our assessment of our spiritual life. But how can we know the state of our spiritual life? This yearly, confidential, self-assessment is one resource we believe will serve all Villagers to honestly review and take stock of the past year of their spiritual life, holistically focusing four areas of God, Self, Community and World. You may prefer to fill out the Spiritual Assessment booklet in paper form, or use the digital form. The self-assessment is available in English, Korean, and Spanish.
Village ESOL: Volunteers Needed
The Village ESOL program (English for Speakers of Other Languages) provides a caring environment for immigrants who would like to learn or improve their English skills. Our desire is not only to teach English but to provide a welcoming environment for people new to our country and to lovingly represent our Lord to many who do not know Him.

We are looking for teaching assistants to work with our teachers. The role of the assistant is to help the teacher during class time - things like taking attendance, greeting the students as they come to class, listening to students and helping them as they work on in-class assignments and answering questions when needed. Our classes meet on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 12:30pm to 2:00pm at Village. You can volunteer for either one or two days each week.

We also have one teaching position open for Thursdays for lower-level students. We will provide the teacher and student workbooks and any other classroom materials needed.
Marriage Conference
Registration for our marriage enrichment conference is now closed as we are at capacity! Please join us in prayer for these couples, that they will feel seen, understood, and equipped with biblical wisdom.
Financial update
As we begin a new year, we want to express our heartfelt gratitude to God for your financial support throughout 2024. As Pastor Paul shared on January 12, we're grateful that God provided 99.84% of what we needed to cover last year's expenses which were about $2.83 million. Your generosity was instrumental in advancing our goal to be a missional, multicultural community representing Christ locally and globally.

Contribution statements will be mailed by January 31st to all households who contributed $250 or more during the 2024 tax year. To ensure that you receive your statement without delay, please take a moment to confirm that the church office has your current mailing address if you’ve recently moved or need to update your information. Contact us by email above or call the church office.
Covenantal Membership
As we seek to be a church made up of disciples of Jesus, our covenant with God is the basis of our covenant with each other. In this same heart, we are coming up to our time of yearly, prayerful self-assessment and reflection to renew our commitment to Jesus through the renewal of covenantal membership to His body. Again, this process is personal, but a process we pray our pastors can support you in as you desire. Instructions on next steps, along with a new spiritual self-assessment resource for all Villagers, will be available in the coming weeks of the new year. *You will keep this self assessment for yourself; it will not be seen by anyone else.
Now Hiring: New positions!
We have several positions open in our ministry team!
   • Assistant Nursery Supervisor: In this part-time role, you’ll create a loving space where every child feels valued and cared for, celebrate inclusivity, and foster a welcoming community for all. *English proficiency required.
   • Communications & Project Manager: This part-time role is responsible for overseeing the internal and external messaging and communication of a missional, intercultural community.
   • Director of Youth & Their Families: This full-time role will prayerfully curate experiences, and programs for youth to follow Jesus, build spiritual friendships, and love others as themselves.
   • Operations & Admin Coordinator: Support our operations team and organize the admin support across our ministries. You will interact with many cultures each day and experience a variety of tasks!
Welcome to Village!
Welcome! We are so glad you're here experiencing our missional, multicultural community. Please consider stopping by the info counter or coming to the front of the stage during Sanctuary Greeting Time for your welcome gift and to meet some of our pastoral staff.

Our 8:15am Chapel Service is designed to be accessible to those who seek to know more about God and church as well as those who are long-time believers. The more intimate worship space and service rest on the timeless traditions of the global church as well as leaves open room for simplicity and creativity in our multicultural worship response. We sit at tables to worship in community and take communion weekly together as the body of Christ.

In our 10:30am Sanctuary Service, we engage with a diversity of cultures and languages as we worship and study the Word of our Diverse God together. You are welcome to make a joyful noise and join us in singing in a language other than your own! Our preaching team is made up of different cultural and language backgrounds, so we are blessed with Sundays when the preaching is in a different language than English, with live translation. Our non-native English-speaking church members do this weekly, so the larger church sharing this experience is important to to being a missional, multicultural community in Christ. 한국어 통역이 있습니다 y traducción en español. Nursery care for ages 0-3, Kids programming for ages Pre-K to 5th Grade, and Youth programming for 6th-12th Grade are also available.
Sermon Recap
Lead Pastor Paul Choi, Genesis 32:22-32, "Our Vision"

This month, we are exploring “The Village Series,” focusing on our church's Mission, Identity, Core Values, and Vision. Our vision and priorities have emerged from extensive preparation, prayer, and discernment. Our Vision is not just wishful thinking; it is a communal understanding of where we believe God is leading us.

2024 was a pivotal year for Village, marking our 75th anniversary. We reflected on our journey since 1949, recognizing the faithful people who have contributed to our community. In our celebration we acknowledge the significant changes the church has faced, particularly during the pandemic. We were challenged to consider what kind of church is needed in today's world.

Over the past few years, we have focused on the New Testament to establish a clearer understanding of our identity as a missional, multicultural community. We studied the Gospels to rediscover who Jesus is, explored the Gospel of the Kingdom through Romans, and examined the church's calling in Luke-Acts. This journey has led us to understand our mission: to be a community of Jesus-followers compelled by His love, loving God and our neighbors.

Historically, churches have often used antagonistic language in describing their mission. However, we must embrace a different approach, one that reflects the humility and service exemplified by Jesus. He said, “I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit.” Our focus should be on remaining in Jesus, allowing Him to bear fruit through us.

Our mission is to be compelled by the love of Jesus, to love the Triune God and our neighbors as ourselves. The church on God’s mission is a sign and foretaste of God’s Kingdom on earth. Our Core Values guide our community, and our Vision is to create an intercultural community of Jesus-following disciples, committed to representing the risen Christ, sharing the whole gospel, befriending across boundaries, and peacemaking in the world.

To understand our Vision, we turn to the story of Jacob in Genesis. Jacob's narrative is crucial for understanding the identity and vocation of God’s people. While Abraham’s story is significant, Jacob’s story spans his entire life from birth, over 25 chapters, highlighting his complex life filled with struggles, deception, and ultimately transformation.

In Genesis 32, Jacob wrestles with an angel, a pivotal moment that transforms his life. Alone and afraid, he encounters God and insists on receiving a blessing. The angel asks Jacob, “What is your name?” This question is profound; Jacob has lived his life defined by others—his brother, his mother, and his circumstances. For the first time, he admits, “My name is Jacob,” acknowledging his past of deceit and competition.

God responds by giving Jacob a new identity: Israel, which signifies a new vocation and vision. Jacob’s transformation leads him to become a blessing to others rather than merely seeking blessings for himself. This new identity compels him to bless three specific people groups: his enemy, other nations, and future generations.

First, Jacob reconciles with Esau, his long-time enemy. Their embrace signifies forgiveness and humility, demonstrating that reconciliation often comes through vulnerability. Jesus teaches us to love our enemies, and Jacob’s story exemplifies this principle.

Second, Jacob becomes a blessing to other nations. His family’s move to Egypt illustrates how God’s people are called to cross ethnic and national boundaries, sharing God’s mercy and compassion with others.

Third, Jacob blesses future generations. In his final moments, he prays for his grandchildren, emphasizing the importance of passing on blessings to the next generation.

As a church, we are called to embody this new identity in Christ. We are not just recipients of blessings but are meant to be blessings to others—our enemies, those from different backgrounds, and future generations. This calling is rooted in our experience of God’s love, which empowers us to live authentically and vulnerably.

In conclusion, I urge you to reflect on the question, “What is your name?” Stand before God as your true self, embracing His love and mercy. Let us live as a church that embodies the hope of the world, becoming a blessing to all we encounter. May we fulfill our Vision as a community of Jesus-followers, committed to His mission in the world. Amen.

Discussion Questions
  1. Through our 4 year journey of study together we discerned our church’s mission and vision, and came to our ministry focus, as illuminated through the story of Jacob. Having live a dramatic life since his time in his mother’s womb, Jacob’s pivotal moment of transformation is provided through wrestling an angel of God. (Gen 32) How does this story resonate with you and your experience of transformation by God?
  2. Pastor Paul highlighted what might have led to Esau’s forgiving embrace of his brother Jacob--his vulnerability and weakness. How does this depiction fit or conflict with your experience with forgiveness?
  3. Through the story of Jacob’s transformation, his life of chasing blessings he coveted and demanded is redeemed to be a blessing to his enemies, other nations/people groups of different backgrounds, and future generations. Consider the times of blessing in your life. What was the blessing? Did you go after a blessing? Who gave and received the blessing?
  4. As we pursue our church’s focus to be a blessing to our enemies, people of different backgrounds, and future generations, how do we pray for our church?
  5. Consider: practice specificity in naming these prayer requests to God, write out prayer points individually and read them all together as a group prayer, speak out loud as a group in prayer, pray for enemies, or people groups of different backgrounds, or future generations.

Responsive Worship

As we collectively reflect on Sunday's message, use this space as a safe place to respond to God's calling and share your reflection on the preaching. All submissions are anonymous.
Responsive Worship

Conversation Guide Archive

Looking for a past discussion guide? All Conversation Guides can be found on the Village Beaverton app. Visit the Experience Village page to download the app and stay connected.
Experience Village


330 SW Murray Blvd 
Beaverton, OR 97005
Phone: 503-643-6511

church Office

Mon-Thurs 9am-4pm
Fri 9am-12pm
Sat-Sun closed

Worship Center

Mon-Thurs 8am-2pm
Fri & Sat closed
Sun 8am-1:30pm

Village Café

Mon-Fri 8am-2pm
Sat-Sun closed