Sunday Package

July 21, 2024
Sunday Sermon
Conversation Guide
Spanish Language Class
August 18, 9:30-10:15 | Columbia Rooms
Don’t miss this chance to practice your conversation skills! Join us for a Spanish class between Sunday services: for English speakers to practice their Spanish and for Spanish speakers practicing English. We provide you with a topic, questions, and a table of friends to discuss them. You are welcome to attend one class or multiple!
Upcoming Marriage Conference
Saturday, September 21
Save the date for our one-day upcoming marriage conference this September. More details and registration coming soon!


Your faithful support is always appreciated. We encourage our community to participate in worship this way: "Give something, give regularly". It's quick and secure to give online through Pushpay. If you prefer to mail a check, send it to us at 330 SW Murray Blvd, Beaverton, OR 97005. For gifts of stocks, IRAs, or other creative methods, please contact Patty, Finance Manager.
Give Through PushPay

Weekly Newsletter

Our all-church weekly newsletter hits inboxes Wednesday evening. Sign up below to receive announcements on upcoming events, connection opportunities, needs, and much more. You'll have the choice to sign up for the weekly Youth, monthly Seniors, or seasonal Men's newsletters as well if you participate in those ministries.
Newsletter Sign Up
Now Hiring
We are looking to fill several position at here at Village Church, a missional multicultural community in Christ. Visit our hiring page for more details: Pastor of Korean Ministry, Café Manager, and Assistant Pastor of Missions. Please share these opportunities with your connections!
Join our Sunday Cafe Ministry
Our café is in search of spirited volunteers to join our Sunday morning crew. If you want to serve the church and make guests feel welcome with a delicious drink, join us! No prior experience is necessary, as we will provide training and guide you as you master the art of coffee and smoothie making! So, if you're looking to add a little froth to your Sundays, please email Angel Aquino ([email protected]) or Megan Ewald ([email protected]) and let's brew some magic together!
In Loving Memory
The Wilson family is inviting you to an open house in memory of Jim Wilson who was called home on July 3. It will be held in the backyard of 1465 NW 178th Place, Beaverton 97006 on August 2, 1-5pm. This is for all friends and family who knew him; some of you did church lawn maintenance, sang in church choirs, golfed, played pinochle once a month, or watched bonsai masters at club meetings with him. You are welcome to help his family celebrate all the ministries he was involved with, hobbies he enjoyed, and fun times with friends.
Church Office Hours
Please note, the church office will be close next Monday, July 29 at noon.
Welcome to Village!
Welcome! We are so glad you're here experiencing our missional, multicultural community. Please consider stopping by the info counter or coming to the front of the stage during Sanctuary Greeting Time for your welcome gift and to meet some of our pastoral staff.

Our 8:15am Chapel Service is designed to be accessible to those who seek to know more about God and church as well as those who are long-time believers. The more intimate worship space and service rest on the timeless traditions of the global church as well as leaves open room for simplicity and creativity in our multicultural worship response. We sit at tables to worship in community and take communion weekly together as the body of Christ.

In our 10:30am Sanctuary Service, we engage with a diversity of cultures and languages as we worship and study the Word of our Diverse God together. You are welcome to make a joyful noise and join us in singing in a language other than your own! Our preaching team is made up of different cultural and language backgrounds, so we are blessed with Sundays when the preaching is in a different language than English, with live translation. Our non-native English-speaking church members do this weekly, so the larger church sharing this experience is important to to being a missional, multicultural community in Christ. 한국어 통역이 있습니다 y traducción en español. Nursery care for ages 0-3, Kids programming for ages Pre-K to 5th Grade, and Youth programming for 6th-12th Grade are also available during this service.
What is the conversation Guide?

Every Sunday during the school year, our team of Conversation Guide writers reads the sermon, prayers over the contents, and writes a guide for our DNA Groups. This guide includes a summary of the sermon and several discussion questions. These questions help our DNA Group members continue to reflect on the sermon teaching and dive deeper into their faith during weekly meetings. Since DNA Groups wrap up their yearly gatherings around June, we also pause the creation of the guide for the summer. We will again offer this resource starting September 1, 2024!

What is A DNA Group?
Discover, Nurture, Act

DNA Groups are the small group ministry at Village and the best way to grow spiritually and get relationally plugged in with others. It was in small groups that Jesus taught His disciples, and the early church was composed of small house churches. The goal is to grow together, be equipped to serve, and experience transformation through God’s Word, empowered by the Holy Spirit. We hope everyone who calls Village home is active in a DNA Group.

More on DNA Groups

Responsive Worship

As we collectively reflect on Sunday's message, use this space as a safe place to respond to God's calling and share your reflection on the preaching. All submissions are anonymous.
Responsive Worship

Conversation Guide Archive

Looking for a past discussion guide? All Conversation Guides can be found on the Village Beaverton app. Visit the Experience Village page to download the app and stay connected.
Experience Village


330 SW Murray Blvd 
Beaverton, OR 97005
Phone: 503-643-6511

church Office

Mon-Thurs 9am-4pm
Fri 9am-12pm
Sat-Sun closed

Worship Center

Mon-Thurs 8am-2pm
Fri & Sat closed
Sun 8am-1:30pm

Village Café

Summer Hours
Mon-Sat 8am-2pm
Fri-Sun closed